Admission Requirements & Health Forms

All new students must provide the following within the application for enrollment:

  • Birth certificate.

  • Non-refundable registration fee of $125.00 ($150 late registration fee for registrations received after June 1)

Grades K-8 registration by appointment only:

  • Schedule your appointment here.

  • Bring 2 years of report cards and standardized tests. If your student has an Individualized Learning Plan, IEP or 504 plan, please bring them to the appointment also. (or email them to

  • To qualify for the Catholic Tuition Rate, a baptismal certificate must be provided as well. (But if student was baptized at St. Peter Church, we have it!)

  • All newly registered families in grades 1-8 need to schedule a meeting with the principal. Students must be present for the meeting.

  • Final admission is contingent upon the transfer and review of all required student records, including official transcripts and health records.

Have you reviewed the requirements, and visited our school?

Health Forms

Please see the required medical forms on this page.

Forms are due back the first week of school.

Pre-K Options

  • 3 days a week, half day program 8:00 – 11:20

  • 3 days a week, full day program 8:00 -- 2:20

  • 5 days a week, half day program 8:00 – 11:20

  • 5 days a week, full day program 8:00 – 2:20

Children must be 3 years of age on or before September 30 and must be bathroom independent.

Pre-K 4 Options

  • 5 days a week, half day program 8:00 – 11:20

  • 5 days a week, full day program 8:00 – 2:20

Children must be 4 years of age on or before September 30 and must be bathroom independent.


  • Kindergarten is full day, 7:50am to 2:30pm, five days a week.

Children must be 5 years of age on or before September 30 and must be bathroom independent.

Pre-School registration is available now!

If you have any questions, please contact Amy Hollinger, Advancement Director, at (856) 665-5879, or submit an inquiry here.