Catholic School Tuition & Common Questions
Tuition Rates
Our tuition rates for 2024-2025 can be found here.
All enrolled families have a FACTS account, which is our student database. Tuition payments are made through FACTS, and can be made using an ACH bank draft, or a credit card.
In addition to tuition, there is a $125 registration fee per student, due with your enrollment for the next school year. Registrations received between June 1 and September 30 are subject to an additional $25 late enrollment fee. Families with current students are offered an early enrollment discount in November-December for next year.
There is also a $100 technology fee per student, which is added to your FACTS tuition.
Accounts for the following school year are established in June, with the first payment of the year due in August.
We offer several options to pay your tuition. See below.
Single Payment
Any family who wishes to pay their student's tuition in full can receive a 3% discount.
Payment must be received through FACTS, our online school data management system, by Monday, August 5, to be eligible for the 3% discount. You may also bring a check to the school.
Installment Plan
Tuition Fees are billed over 10 or 11 months, with the first payment beginning in August. Payments can be made on the 5th or 20th of the month.
Tuition Assistance
Our financial aid program is called the Variable Tuition Rate Option.
All of our financial aid determination options are processed through FACTS. Applicants submit financial data such as prior year’s tax statements, W-2’s, 1099’s and other important information in order to fairly assess financial need. After this step, school leaders, including the Pastor, will make a recommendation regarding the tuition rate.
Financial assistance is typically determined in the Spring for the following year, as we are planning the overall school budget. Families are asked to apply by February 28 for assistance in the following school year; however, we are able to consider applications all year long.
Our process for new families seeking tuition assistance is as follows:
Initial consultation with principal regarding financial concerns.
Review of application by school leaders. The review process is pending our school budget approval, which usually takes place in May or June before the next school year.
Final phone conference or email to discuss proposed tuition rate and additional considerations.

Catholic School Tuition Frequently Asked Questions
May tuition be paid in installments?
Parents may pay tuition over a 10 or 11 month plan with Fixed or Variable option. There is also a discount for those who pay the tuition up front (Fixed Tuition Option only). The 3 methods for paying tuition are:
OPTION 1: Single payment received through FACTS by August 5 — 3% discount (Fixed Option only)
OPTION 2: FACTS tuition monthly payment plan. Payment budgeted over 10 or 11 months beginning in August. Payments can be made on the 5th or 20th of the month.
OPTION 3: Mastercard/ Discover/ American Express credit card– also processed through FACTS Tuition.
Is there financial aid available if you have trouble paying the cost of tuition?
The Variable Tuition Option was designed for those who may not be able to afford the Fixed Rate Tuition Option. Those who seek this alternative must formally apply for this. This can be done online by clicking here.
Who sets the tuition rates?
The Camden Diocese establishes parameters within which the individual parishes may set their tuition rates.
Public schools have substantial resources and I pay real estate taxes. Is a Catholic school education really a wise investment for my child?
The value of a truly Catholic education cannot be overstated. It’s money wisely spent. Your child’s tuition is an investment which pays lifelong tangible and intangible dividends. In the present climate, in the state of NJ, we recognize that there are some real challenges to affordability for families that pay high property taxes and/or rent. These factors are taken into consideration when one applies through the Variable Tuition Option. However, at the end of the day, it is important to realize that Catholic education, like all aspects of our faith, requires some level of sacrifice. We have found that families who value a truly Catholic education are willing to make a certain level of sacrifice and experience all the joys and blessings that come with that act of trust.
Additionally, Catholic Schools represent excellence; there is an emphasis on efficiency and accountability in our school and an unwavering commitment to our school Mission, which is to “teach, model, and nurture Gospel values within the Catholic intellectual tradition.” In addition to a strong program in the “basics,” as well as challenging programs for gifted students, St. Peter emphasizes a well-rounded virtue based educational program with emphasis on a Catholic worldview, leading a life of virtue, and building an academic community that is liturgically centered.