Our 2022 Bazaar was a wonderful success!
The weather outside was a bit frightful, but inside was just delightful! We had several hundred people attend this year's bazaar. Games, prizes, and great food made for a wonderful weekend! Thanks to everyone who joined us for this great community event!
Thanks to all our donors:
Amy's Omelette House Auto Shine Car Wash Bishop Eustace Prep School Bobby Ray's Camden Catholic HS Cherry Hill Health and Racquet Club Cherry Hill Performing Arts Center Community Sports Shop Custom Travel Eclipse Brewing Elite Climbing Hot Wheelz Skating Center Kids Kuts L& M Bakery Laurel Lanes Bowling Center Longwood Gardens Paul IV Philadelphia Museum of Art Philadelphia Phillies Pinsetters Queen Esther’s Treasures | Robert Hensler LLC
Ronnie McLaughlin Dance Sakura Sesame Place Speed Raceway The 45th St. Pub The Cheesecake Factory The Famous Original King of Pizza The Pop Shop Applebees Philadelphia Eagles Wegmans Crayola Factory Acme Markets WALKER FAMILY PYSC SOCCER CLUB DEIWERT FAMILY MAUREEN MCLOONE HAK FAMILY WABS FAMILY CONDON FAMILY |
And all of our St. Peter Classes, Room Parents, and School Families!
Thanks also to our Bazaar Vendors:
- Nicole Lodato - Paparazzi
- Tom Klein
- Tony Schiavo - ARX PUBLISHING
- Trisha Dettra - The Bowl Holder Lady
- Nancy Simone - To Bark For

Special thanks to our Santa's Helpers:
- Chairs --Tina Deiwert, Jenn Hak
- Baskets -- Tina Deiwert, Jenn Hak, Jessica Parker
- Secret Santa -- Jessica Barsocchi, Amy Handlon
- Decorations -- Amy Handlon. SPS Art Classes
- Bake Sale -- Marci Abate, Jess Crew, Natalie Walker
- Kiddie Corner -- Stephanie O’Kane, Kim Amelung
- Santa Photos -- Tom Wilkie, Kathy O'Callaghan, Gen Kane
- Meals -- Reese DeFeo, Tony Presenza, St. Peter Knights of Columbus
And to our PTA and School Families, as well as all of our amazing volunteers, including our stellar service hour students
We couldn't have done it without every single one of you!
If you won a basket, please consider donating the empty basket back to the bazaar. They can be dropped off in the main office anytime during the school year. We appreciate your contribution!