Friday Mass, 3rd Sunday of Lent. The first commandment, Mark 12:29. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. When we love one another, we are near the kingdom of God. Remain in His love! Inspired by 5th grade's leadership!

Middle School Friday Special includes some simple home economics--sewing on a button and then making a little pillow! This section also includes simple cooking, folding clothes, and washing dishes properly. In other rotations, students practice the fundamentals of debate, review language history, and create our student-based website and podcast. #SouthJerseyCatholicSchools

Alumni News: Congratulations to Abaigeal Babore (SPS Class of 2016) on her selection as College Player of the Year!!

Student Mass Friday, March 21. Be selfless in service and share God’s love with one another! Thank you Fr. Ernest, and 6th grade for your leadership!

Student Mass Friday, March 21. Be selfless in service and share God’s love with one another! Thank you Fr. Ernest, and 6th grade for your leadership!

In the gym with the stage for Peter Pan going up! Thanks to all of our parents, students, and alumni who helped this weekend!-
On-time donuts this week go to 3rd grade... again! And again, they had the most entries!
Second grade learned how to make Google Slideshows this week, and they all worked so well together to learn and support each other that Ms. Weed honored the whole class for their FORTITUDE! Mrs. Tell recognized MJ, Nathan, and Jaiden for JUSTICE for their commitment to the St. Anthony Club and Miss Marrazzo awarded Mirra for her FAITH, singing the Root Beliefs for 8th grade on Fridays!
Saints Circles: Today we talked about the Corporal Works of Mercy! These are charitable acts that Jesus instructed his disciples to do regularly.
- Feed the hungry
- Give drink to the thirsty
- Clothe the naked
- Shelter the homeless
- Visit the sick
- Visit the imprisoned
- Bury the dead
In our groups, we talked about what we can do to follow Jesus' instructions! (Focusing on the first five)
- Visit people in the hospital, pray for the sick
- Donate water to shelters
- Donate snacks and meals to food pantries
- Donate clothes to people in need
- Visit people who are in the hospital
- Write cards and letters to people who are sick
- Spiritual thirst - help bring people to Christ
- Learning how to help people around the world get clean water
And with that, we're caring for our neighbor as we start our week! Let's have a great day, Saints!

6th grade studying the history of music! Small groups chose a decade and each student researched an artist, then presented to the class, as well as a little about music in the decade overall and shared some top hits. They also got to "Dress the Decade" for the day! #MusicMonday #SouthJerseyCatholicSchools

St. Peter Students praying the #StationsOfTheCross during Lent. ✝️ #SouthJerseyCatholicSchools

St. Peter Students had a wonderful virtual pilgrimage to Lourdes last week! With an interactive video, a portion of the rock from the Lourdes grotto, and holy water from the healing Lourdes spring, our students were treated to a wonderful Virtual experience. Preschoolers held up their candles to Mother Mary, elementary students learned about St. Bernadette and the appearance of Our Lady at Lourdes, and middle school students learned the story as well as the miracles of the water from the Spring, and then processed around the church and school grounds saying the Rosary.
Many thanks to Pam from Lourdes Virtual Volunteers for providing this special experience for our students!

It's a lucky Monday Morning Magic on March 17! ☘️
3rd grade wins on time donuts - and well-deserved; it's been two weeks and they had the most entries!
Recap from our Read-A-Thon: 4th grade wins the most minutes read & most money raised - over $2000! Our Read-A-Thon raised over $7000 overall. Thanks to all our supporters!
Virtue Awards: Mrs. Rotondi recognized Bobby and Shawn for PRUDENCE, for stepping up to lead their groups in a group reading activity last week. And Mrs. Hall awarded the whole 4th grade for their FORTITUDE and wanting tor read their books during Read Across America week! And Mrs. Marisi overheard Casio encouraging a student who said "I can't do this." Casio said, " You can't do this YET." Mrs. Marisi gave Casio an award for his CHARITY towards another student!
Saints Circles: We all know the popular story that St. Peter got all the snakes out of Ireland. But did you know he wasn't born there? St. Peter was enslaved when he was young, and taken to Ireland. After he was freed, he became a priest, and went back to Ireland to preach the Gospel and convert souls after he had been enslaved there. What are some acts of kindness we can do in honor of St. Patrick returning to help the people of Ireland?
- Feeding the homeless
- Being kind to others
- Helping our parents around the house
- Sharing toys with my siblings
- Praying for our classmates
- Helping our classmates with homework
- Giving compliments!
And may the luck of the Irish be with us today! Happy #SaintPatricksDay, Saints! ☘️

Middle School taking the #NationalLatinExam...good luck! #SouthJerseyCatholicSchools

#FBF Partner reading with 5th grade and Pre-K 4 to close out #ReadAcrossAmerica Week last Friday!

#TBT to some more of our great book character costumes! Fly Guy; If You Give a Cat a Cupcake; Anne of Green Gables; Spider-Man, The Wild Robot; Matilda; The Baby-Sitters Club; Dog Man and Luna Lovegood presenting the morning news, Sonic the Hedgehog, and not one, but two 3rd grade Dorothys (plus cat and bunny)! #SouthJerseyCatholicSchools #ReadAcrossAmerica

5th grade dissecting owl pellets with Miss Campanell in science. We had a chart to compare different types of food that an owl might eat, and inferred that this Barn Owl ate a varied diet of rodents and even smaller birds.

2nd grade making compliment cards for their classmates, and then reading the card to them ❤️ #SouthJerseyCatholicSchools

Dress like your favorite Book character! We've got Cat in The Hat; The Outsiders; The Day the Crayons Quit; Junie B. Jones; Charlotte's Web; Lord of the Rings, and How to Catch a Unicorn! (more photos coming!) #ReadAcrossAmerica #SouthJerseyCatholicSchools

Reading Knocks Our Socks Off! How many minutes did you read today? #ReadAcrossAmerica #SouthJerseyCatholicSchools

Ash Wednesday Mass ✝️ Thank you 8th grade for your leadership of our school, and our whole church community!
"When you fast,
anoint your head and wash your face,
so that you may not appear to be fasting,
except to your Father who is hidden.
And your Father who sees what is hidden will repay you." Matthew 6:16-18

Hats off to reading! Don't forget to log your minutes today! And our Read-A-Thon fundraiser goes until next week. Be sure to tell your family how much reading you're doing so they can support you!

Pre-K 4 is ready for #ReadAcrossAmerica Week! Celebrating Dr. Seuss's birthday!