Read Across America Week is coming this Friday! Inspire some parents and students: What's your favorite children's book, and what grades is it appropriate for?
Ask your students, too! :)
Our Prek 4 is showing us good and maybe foods to keep our teeth healthy ! Look at our great big smiles!
The Kinders had so much fun yesterday playing on the BIG playground during recess!
Having so much fun with our friends in Prek 4! We sorted Sweet Tart candy by color and then formed our alphabet letters with our candy. We also had a fun snack with our friends! Happy Valentine's Day♥️
Big thanks to the Rubini Family for being our teachers' Valentines today! ❤️ And to all our families making today extra sweet for our students!
🔭💫Sights set to the future, here at St. Peter ....and beyond!
Another great episode of SPS news with some special guests😍. Next episode airs Tuesday morning with Catholic Schools Week updates. ⛪✝️ #southjerseycatholicschools
✨So much Monday Morning Magic ✨ Kindergarten won the on-time award. We grouped up to talk about kindness and gratitude. Thank you friends and family of SPS. We are grateful for you!
The Apostles we're not perfect and neither am I, Jesus. But You still love me. Forever. Thank you 8th grade for leading us in mass today.
📰🎤SPS News had a few super cute special guests. Tune in with the Zoom link found in the Notable Newsletter. Happy Friday!.... Go Birds!
🪄✨Monday Morning Magic
-On time award 6th grade (2 weeks in a row)
-Discuss and learned about the peace making efforts of Dr. Martin Luther King
- How can we make small efforts for peace that add up to huge impacts? ✌🏿✌🏻✌🏼
Digital Saints newest podcast just dropped! 🎙️Check out all the news on the Digital Saints student website
4️⃣th grade led us through mass beautifully today. 🙏 Father Tim told us about his own journeys in Israel to the ruins of St. Peter's house and the miracles that had happened there. 🔑⛪
☁️First Monday Morning Magic✨ for 2023 🎉.
Grades K, 3, 4, & 8 have 100 % attendance.
⏰6th grade won the on time award.
🎁 If you visited Jesus, what gift would you bring?
🤴🏾🤴🤴🏽"May the wisdom of the Magi guide you to your own light."#southjerseycatholicschools
6th grade led us through mass. Week 2 of Advent is almost complete. Focus on 💕 Love.
6th grade led us through mass. Week 2 of Advent is almost complete. Focus on 💕 Love.
No School Today in honor of our Mother Mary.
Prayer for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception
O Most Holy Virgin, immaculate in body
and spirit, look kindly on me as I implore
your powerful intercession. O most Holy
Mother, receive my prayers as I present them
to God. O Mary, Mother of Jesus and our
Mother, you intercede for us with your Son.
O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us
who have recourse to thee.
Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception,
pray for us.
Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us.
Our Lady Queen of Christendom, pray for us.
Join St. Peter Church Knights of Columbus Annual Visit with Santa
Sunday, December 11, after 9:30 Mass in Pastor's Hall
All are welcome to come visit with Santa, have a picture taken and enjoy a little treat!
Good morning this is Mrs Newman.I have asked the 8th graders to particpate in the Christmas pagent on Christmas eve at the 6:00 Mass. This is long standing tradition for the 8th grade. If you would like your child to participate please let me know by email. We also need 2 parent volunteers to help us. Any questions please contact me at