Thanks Mrs. O'Callaghan for setting up for our volunteer's tea!

SPS 8th graders sort items for service project later.

CSW Day 3: works of Mercy

Pilgrimage to basilica of Sts Peter and Paul

On way to Sts Peter and Paul

2020 student appreciation day bikeshow!

SPS Digital Saints Interview Mr. Saff for their podcast! https://sites.google.com/stpeterschool.org/digitalsaints/student-podcast

3rd graders testing different materials to slow the descent of an air drop.

7th graders explored their inherited trait of Super Taster. Results were 46% of 7th graders were super tasters and found the test paper incredibly bitter while 53% of students didn't taste anything.

Wizard of Oz- first Rehearsal!!

Closing time, Christmas Break, see you all in 2020!

Our 5th grade created “An Advent Tree of Kindness”. Each day during Advent they performed an act of kindness towards another person or said a special prayer in anticipation for the gift of Jesus on Christmas Day.