Dear SPS Families, see my email for today regarding the latest on the coronavirus school closure.
almost 5 years ago, Saint Peter School
SPS Families: please see my latest email with an update on our school closure status as well as an update on Variable Tuition Applications and tuition rates for,20-21. Happy Easter and God bless all of,you!
almost 5 years ago, Saint Peter School
Good Friday Service at St. Peter begins at 3 PM and will be livestreamed on the Parish FB page. Other options are posted to the SPS mobile app.
almost 5 years ago, Saint Peter School
almost 5 years ago, Saint Peter School
Live Streamed Holy Thursday Mass from St. Peter begins at 7 PM. Go to:
almost 5 years ago, Saint Peter School
Margot in Pre-K 4 wanted to share her Holy Thursday picture with her St. Peter’s friends.
almost 5 years ago, Cathy Viola
Margot in pre-K 4 wanted to share her Holy Thursday picture with her St. Peter’s friends.
almost 5 years ago, Cathy Viola
PreK-4 so excited to zoom he wanted to pretend in was in school with his uniform.
almost 5 years ago, Cathy Viola
Mrs. Viola- I miss you and wanted to pretend I was in your classroom wearing my uniform!
It's Mr. Saffioti's Birthday!!!! Click here to see all the beautiful messages from the students and staff ❣️
almost 5 years ago, Jen Marisi
Reminder: the weekly school live Mass stream will take the place of AM prayer on Fridays. See the GC post for your child's weekly Mass reflection.
almost 5 years ago, Saint Peter School
Pray the rosary...tonight 7 PM. See link in the events section of the mobile app, will text parents later.
almost 5 years ago, Saint Peter School
Just a reminder about some opportunities to participate in Mass this day, including the Extraordinary Form of the Mass (Latin) for those so inclined! Please see our events tab in the mobile for details on how to access various live streams.
almost 5 years ago, Saint Peter School
Options for Sunday Mass have been posted to the events calendar in the SPS app...
almost 5 years ago, Saint Peter School
almost 5 years ago, Jen Marisi
Join me later for the Stations of the Cross at 7 PM. A special mystery 8th grader composed these Stations and will be leading the prayers with me...I will send the link as the time approaches.
almost 5 years ago, Saint Peter School
Pope Francis calls all Christians to prsyer at 1 PM. Click here to participate through the Vatican's Live Stream.
almost 5 years ago, Saint Peter School
Dear SPS community, Pope Francis asks all to join him in prayer at 1 PM eastern time. A full plenary indulgence will be granted to those who participate.
almost 5 years ago, Saint Peter School
PreK 3 Zoom class
almost 5 years ago, JoAnn Bianco
PreK 3 on Zoom
Mr. Elbertson and his son Ben taking time together to make a cross for Jesus. It’s a beautiful thing to see at St. Peter’s School.
almost 5 years ago, Cathy Viola
Mr. Elbertson and his son Ben creating a cross for Jesus. It’s a beautiful thing to see at St. Peter’s School.
Lenten crosses from Prek4
almost 5 years ago, Cathy Viola
Look at the beautiful crosses made for the Lenten Season! So proud of PreK 4!
Pre-k 4 made crosses for Jesus during the Lenten season!
Pre-k 4 making crosses for Jesus during Lent at their homes