This is not a morning rerun of the Brady Bunch. Instead, it is the St. Peter Middle School online bright and early with Mr. Elbertson, Mrs. Tell, and Mrs. Newman. They are talking The Hobbit, grammar, and energy.
Click these link to view the 5th grade Digital Citizenship Public Service Announcements
Thanks for sharing, Mrs. Mesa! Easton, grade 2, prepares his Mass booklet.
Live Mass can be watched here at 8 AM with encores at 12 PM and 7 PM.
Logan is enjoying being outside on a sunny day !
Margot and her sister went outside to see all of God’s creation on the First Day of Spring!
Bella is showing her Pre-K 4 friends what she found in her house that begins with our Letter of the Week- K.
Ben is showing his Pre-K 4 friends the weather for the day!
For SPS daily prayer schedule and online events, use this to access the links to Zoom:
St Peter School community, I will be distributing a special statement by Bishop Sullivan concerning the closure of all Diocesan schools shortly. In short, St. Peter will be temporarily closed due to covid 19 effective 3/16. -Mr. Saffioti
Check out new updates to SPS Student Digital Saints website...
PreK 3 ended letter P week with popcorn & pizza!
PreK 3 made weather wheels today to use everyday at home
Digital Saints are updating the Digital Saints Website content
March activities are inspiring the kinders to read lots of books!
Prek4 Community Helper Week
Pre—k4 finishing up our Community Helper Week with the big question to the children -What I want to Be when I Grow Up. The pictures of themselves show what they want to be. They were so creative. Thank you parents for all the help with this project!
Officer Roseboro read “Officer Buckle and Gloria” to the 2nd grade today! Thank you, Officer Roseboro!
We had a special visitor in 1st grade today! Officer Roseboro stopped by to read to our class.
It was Community Helpers this week in Pre-K-4, so we invited a special guest . It was Carolina’s mommy who is a doctor. She read to us and shared some if her tools with us. Thank you so much for being here Mrs. Balboa!